That’s based on an extraordinary claims history, the letter from Progressive reads.
“We want to point out that the history of claims filed for the Bat
Fleet of vehicles points to a tendency toward recklessness, even in
light of the dangerous nature of Batman’s profession,” says the
Progressive letter to representatives of Batman’s Estate, following the
demise of Batman during a recent terrorist attack by his nemesis, Bane.
“Claims in the past five years alone have totalled an astounding $214.7 million, a figure that would disqualify you for coverage by all but the most dedicated of insurers.”
The straw that broke the camel’s back was a $52-million claim for damage to ‘The Bat,’ damaged by an atomic bomb. The claim amount covered specialized features, such as:
• titanium construction that renders the car bullet- and bomb-proof.
• a jet engine with high-speed flight capacity.
• an onboard computer with a direct feed to the mainframe computer located in the Bat Cave.
• onboard projectiles and missiles, and the ability to self-destruct by remote control in the event the vehicle falls into the hands of criminals such as Bane, the Joker, the Penguin, Mr. Freeze or the Riddler.
By | 28/02/2013 6:57:00 AM