This is for everyone whose birthday is after September 1, 2012
As of September 1,2012, the price of the sticker will be going from $74 to $82 ($8.00 increase). Then, in Jan 2013 it will go to $90 ($16.00 increase) and in 2014 it will be $98 ($24.00 increase).
Did you know that you can purchase your sticker up to 6 months in advance? So if your birthday is after September 1,2012 you should go and get your sticker before that date even if your birthday is in Dec. You can also purchase a 2 year sticker at $74.00 per year.
If there is a way to keep your money in your pocket instead of the governments, why not take advantage of the opportunity.
I hope this info can help someone save a few bucks!